Games begin at 1 PM ~ Pool Open 10 AM to 8 PM

4th of July Games @ 1pm
Celebrate the holiday with us Thursday, July 4. We will begin with a patriotic parade around the pool at 1:00 pm, followed by tennis games - don't forget a racket. Then we'll jump into sharks and minnows, tube/relay races, adult races and many other pool games for the entire family before heading over to the courts for our traditions of the balloon toss and egg toss! Prizes and fun for all. Community BBQ to follow. We will light the coals just before 5 pm. Bring your own food and beverages.
Notes about the 4th:
Pool Hours: 10 am - 8 pm
Guests welcome: $5/child, $10/adult, $25/family
Reminder: Swim team practice, swim lessons, cardio tennis, and round robins are all cancelled tomorrow. Kick back, relax and have fun!
Swim Team Practice, Swim Lessons, & Tennis Lessons resume on Friday (normal schedule)
