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Sun Valley SHARKS Swim Team

2021 Season Update - We are thrilled to offer a modified swim team program this summer.  Participants must be able to swim 1 length of the pool (25 yards) unassisted. Practice will include drills, games, and squad races and we are adding in a few meets with other clubs in the league. There will be 36 swimmers per practice "squad".

With the smaller group format, practices will be condensed into shorter blocks of time and each swimmer will be assigned two 45 minute practice time(s) per week.


Proper protocols will be followed for safety and to prevent the spread of COVID-19, in accordance with guidance from the Commonwealth and CDC. Primary methods will include small groups, proper distancing in and out of the pool, masks while out of the water if unvaccinated, hand hygiene, cleaning any shared equipment between use, screening for symptoms. No sharing goggles or water bottles.


2020 - The state's phase 2 guidelines prohibit swim meets, however swim practice is permitted. For now we are focused on opening the pool. We are evaluating if we can run a modified swim practice program (possible for kids in grade 6 and up) later in the summer (August). We will keep you updated. Thank you for your patience.


Swim Team 2020

We encourage all children (ages 5-16) to join the Sun Valley Sharks swim team. It is an excellent way to strengthen swimming skills, is a great form of exercise and a wonderful team sport. Add your child to the team using our online form beginning in early April. Sun Valley continues to be part of our area summer swim league, which includes: Lexington Town Pool, Paint Rock, Winchester Boat Club, Winchester Swim & Tennis and Winchester Country Club.



Team Suit

We ask each swim team participant to purchase an ALL BLACK swimsuit to wear during meets so the team has a uniform look. Each swim team participant will be given a Sun Valley Sharks swim cap to complete the team uniform. As a convenience, Tricon Sports has black team suits available at a discounted price of $32 for girls suits and $28 for boys jammers via an online store. Limited time only - order by deadline (early June) for the discount. Suits will be delivered to Sun Valley prior to the Relay Carnival. Sample sizes are available at Sun Valley and Tricon if you need to check the fit before ordering. Please note, Tricon does not stock the all black suit for purchase in store. Don't procrastinate - order online now.


Parent Orientation Meeting

A parent/coach orientation meeting will be held following first practice on Mon. June 22 at 7pm.


Join Swim Team!
Meet Sign Up
Volunteers Needed

2020 Practices


Due to varied school schedules, we’ll begin the season with evening practice for the first week:

  • Mon. June 22 through Fri. June 26:
    all ages practice from 6 - 7 pm

Regular Practice Schedule:
June 29 - July 31

  • Children ages 5 - 10: 
    Mon, Tue, Thur & Fri from 9 - 10 am

  • Children ages 11 – 16:
    Mon, Tue, Thur & Fri from 8:30 – 10 am


Note: practice is not held on Wednesday mornings.​

2020 Meets

  • Relay Carnival:
    Sat. June 27, 2020

    warm-up: morning TBD, start: morning TBD
    at Paint Rock


  • Dual Meets:
    warm-up: 3:00 pm, start: 3:30 pm

Wed. 7/1    Winchester Boat Club @ SV

Mon. 7/8    SV @ Winchester Country Club

Wed. 7/15  Winchester Swim & Tennis @ SV

Wed. 7/22  SV @ Lexington Town Pool

Wed. 7/29  SV @ Paint Rock

  • Championship Meet:
    Sat. August 1, 2020

    warm-up: morning TBD, start: morning TBD
    at Sun Valley

Sign-Up for Swim Team
Banquet RSVP

Swim Team Banquet: Pot-luck Dinner

Monday, August 3, 2020 at 6:00 pm

location TBD


Celebrate the season with teammates, coaches, parents and yummy food! A gift will be given to each swimmer, along with awards for 5 and 10 year participants.

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