We have some important scheduling updates to let you know about this week:
Monday, July 3 normal schedule there could be tennis rain-outs due to wet courts
Tuesday, July 4 modified schedule 9 am - 8 pm no swim team, swim lessons or cardio tennis/round robins join us for the 4th of July Games starting at 1 pm (see more below)
Wednesday, July 5 normal schedule in morning Sun Valley hosting Swim Meet vs. WCC Entire POOL (kiddie too) CLOSED from 2:30 - 6:00 pm All are welcome to come cheer on the sharks Volunteers Needed (thank you!)
Friday, July 7 join us for FAMILY NIGHT from 6 - 9 PM pool & lawn games, music, fun for all (lap swim ends 6pm) Snack Bar open and will also offer grilled burgers & dogs
We will be celebrating the 4th of July at Sun Valley with games and fun for all. Please make note of our modified schedule:
Tuesday, July 4:
Modified pool hours 9 AM - 8 PM
Games start at 1 PM
Dedicated lap swim 9 - 10 AM
Additional opportunities for lap swim 10 am - 1 pm (no lap swim 1 pm to close)
No Swim Team Practice, No Swim Lessons, No Cardio Tennis or Round Robins
4th of July Games
Celebrate with us. We will begin with a patriotic parade around the pool at 1:00 pm, followed by tennis games, sharks and minnows, tube/relay races and many other pool games for the entire family, including our tradition of the balloon toss and egg toss! Prizes and fun for all. Community BBQ to follow. We will light the coals just before 5 pm. Bring your own food and beverages.
Guests are welcome - standard guest fee applies.